It's the un-namable month. That time of the year. Toxic air. My lovely city: worst air in the nation. No, that's not a snow cloud. Dirty, left-over snow. Cheesy movies. Sleezy underwear and barf colors in all the stores. Death and sickness. The good news: Uh, let's see. I'm writing. Yes, making progress on this book. At last. I mean, I don't dare go outside for fear I'll pass out from lack of oxygen, so might as well sit around with the lap-top, right? And, ok, next week Megan Whalen Turner is braving the cloud and coming to the Life, the Universe, and Everything conference in Provo. I signed up for an LTUE pitch session with a New York Agent. Maybe I'll get the spot. Maybe not. First come, first pitch, and I signed up late. But still get to hear MW Turner impart her wisdom. Feeling cheerier already. And oh, yeah (!): leaving the poisonous air for Newport, CA soon for my son's wedding. :) Apparently, even L.A.'s air isn...