We've all been going through a rough patch lately. Some of the details are different. We all cried for Sandy Hook. All those children. And that movie theater in Colorado. And back in February there was my sixteen-year-old neighbor who died of complications from flu. Not swine flu, just normal flu. The kind your kids got this winter, too. One week he was playing water-polo and fouling people in basketball and the next week he wasn't here anymore. And no, he didn't have special health problems that made him unusually vulnerable. And then the mom of one of my kid's friends died. And then that same friend's brother died, too, just this week. Nobody knew any details. And of course, Boston. We're all still reeling from that. Who bombs a marathon? Kills eight-year-olds? Tries to murder people gathered together to cheer on determination and hard work and human spirit? Who does that? Nails and metal shards exploding from a pressure-cooker? What a sorry use of ...